
Russian Power Stim®

Original price was: $799.00.Current price is: $399.00.

The Russian Power Stim® is set at 2500 Hz: the strongest setting for Russian Stimulation.  This versatile and unique electric muscle stimulator is designed to duplicate the effects of regular exercise and for use in the privacy of your home or office. You will never outgrow this unit.

  • Use for Muscle Building, Muscle Toning, Pain Management, and Active Recovery
  • Fully Adjustable – No preset programs
  • Regular Muscle Stim between the settings of 45-150Hz
  • Use with or without Russian Stim mode
  • Simple to use – User Manual provides clear instructions
  • A variety of electrodes included
  • Uses regular, self-adhesive electrodes available on this website




This powerful Russian stim device uses electrical stimulation to help you build muscle mass and strength in no time. In comparison to a regular stim, this Russian muscle stimulator has a higher frequency of 2,500 Hz allowing for deeper, stronger, yet comfortable penetration of the muscle by causing intense, complete, and strong contraction of muscle fibers.

While normally used for fitness and muscle training, this Russian Stim device can also be used to treat spinal cord injuries, muscle spasms, scoliosis, edema, and other chronic muscle pain conditions. Used by doctors, chiropractors, physicians, and therapists!

Russian Power Stim® in Action


FlexTone Russian Stim in Action!

FlexTone Russian Stim Post recovery!